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Finding Lost Birds

What To Do When Your Bird Goes Missing


When your bird is missing please give us as much detail as you can to help trace them, an exact location is ideal.


Check all trees in your area, birds dont tend to fly far in 1st few days

Go out calling birds name, stand or sit still, birds dont like flying to moving objects

Put lots of posters on lamp posts (laminated) put a reward on it & ask if ok to put in lots of local shop windows. dont forget a contact phone number...THIS IS VITAL...

If you see the bird, stand or sit where it can see you, where it has a long, clear and shallow angle of flight to you. Most pet birds that don't fly a lot, don't really understand flying downwards, and all their instincts are to get as high has possible, try and entice down with their favourite snack or even a chip or crisp, I know that is not healthy but anything to get them down.

Ring RSPCA, Police, local vets.


List on as many bird groups as possible

Ask local schoolchildren to keep a look out.

Contact Parrotalert...

Ring & contact John Heywood...



Birdline 0845 643 1785

Put ad in local papers

Ring local radio station & ask to put an alert out

Tell as many people that you can

Check on preloved, Birdtrader to see if any are being sold in your area

Good luck & keep us posted please.

Jackie Amos

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