Flight Size
Cages: Often Kakariki are kept in cages that are far too small for their needs. Kakariki are extremely energetic birds so lots of room should be provided to house them. Many Pet shops, will recommend a cage the size used for a cockatiel as they are around the same size bird, and so many pet birds are kept in what they have been advised by the shop, however this is not correct, it is crucial they have a much larger cage, to keep them in tip top condition and allow them to live full and healthy lives. Even if you are home most days and allow the bird free flight during day, you should consider that you may not always be at home and there will be times when you are unexpectedly not able to be home for long periods. a minimum cage size should be around: 55cmW x 46cmD x 132cmH
Flights: Should again be as large as possible with mesh to the roof to as Kakariki love climbing around, a minimum size flight for one pair should be no less than 100cmW x182cmD x 182cmH
Breeding cages: The ideal size should be no less than 36cmW x 24cmD x 48cmH