Portsmouth, Hampshire
I am a great fan of "Kakariki Breeders & Pets UK" page on Facebook... it has given me a lot of help and advice from both admin and other members...last year i had to hand rear 5 chicks... and advice ...files and videos were a great help needless to say all survived and have now been homed. We often show pictures of our fids ...the antics they get up to ... and share happy and sad times ...other members are our extended family. We have competitions for mystery prizes and I can boast I have won ...this site is a must if you are a new or old keeper of kakariki.

I have no bad points I can put in. 'I have kept birds for over 25 years & am new to Kakariki's. Without the expert help & friendliness from the members of the Facebook page, I probably would have failed these amazing, funny little parrots.

Fife, Scotland
Well I'd just like to say that Lea Shingler’s Kakariki Facebook group has got to be one of the most informative group's on Kakariki, you get the proper help and advice from him and his admin team, and are also very welcoming, but don't get me wrong if they see an issue or see problems in photos they will bring this up, not to bring you down but to help you do better , Me and Lea through Facebook have helped people rehome Kaks as a person from Scotland needed one rehomed so Lea contacted me and we found a suitable home, so you'll see the page has a good UK wide range on it.

Redruth, Cornwall
Well I got to say I'm so happy and relieved I joined this group! It’s perfect! Everyone is so helpful and lovely! So thank you all for making me and my birds feel welcomed!

Holyhead, North Wales
"Two years ago I acquired my first breeding pairs of Kakariki after being given a pet one for a birthday. I was hooked on these beautiful parrots and anxious to learn all about them, so began my online search for suitable UK groups and forums. I met Lea Shingler and his wife Lesley, and his sons Craig and Kev, who are all passionate Kakariki enthusiasts. Lea invited me to join his online Facebook page, Kakariki Breeders and Pets UK... and that was where my search ended. Lea personally, along with his family, has given me hours of support and advice, from breeding, to nutrition, housing, sexing, hormones and behaviour, environmental enrichment, chick rearing, to name but a few topics. He has always been at the end of a phone for advice, has provided me with two incredible birds, and has visited my home to help me with tube feeding of newborn chicks, such is this gentleman's genuine willingness to help anybody and any bird. This dedication is shared by his wonderful wife and sons who are all knowledgeable on the Kakariki and all as genuinely willing to help. All this help is available on the Facebook page, run by Lea and his family, with a team of dedicated admins to answer any Kakariki related questions day and night, and the wealth of readily available files on all Kak related questions, the help you need is guaranteed to be there, and if it isn't, someone will always be there to find it for you. I have made friends on the Facebook page to last a lifetime, and what I have learned there has helped me to keep and breed my own birds and now to share my own knowledge too. This is the best Kakariki group available in the UK, I won't go anywhere else. I can also endorse Lea Shingler as a top rated breeder, I have had two stunning birds from him, with all the support I could want after sale, the birds are healthy, fit and always in beautiful feather, and the support lasts a lifetime, and doesn't end when you bring your new birds home. I wouldn't buy anywhere else either. I would invite anyone interested to join us on Facebook at Kakariki Breeders and Pets UK, don't take my word for it, come and join in yourself, if you have an interest in the Kakariki you can't afford not to"

Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
I really like this page because I am new to kaks so have learned loads from feeding right down to the ways they act.The admin are always there to help and other members of this group are really friendly and helpful unlike a lot of other sites.I am so glad my Nephew recommended this page.Keep up the good work. smile emoticon

Hucknall, Nottinghamshire
I love this site coz they like to see and hear about my babies lol and have always been there to answer any of my questions or if I want to share my pic and videos or even if I just want to talk about them as at home that's all I ever talk about so my wife and friends get abit fed up hearing about them lol so I am glued to this weather am sharing or just reading I like how the admin are alway very nice and helpful also very funny at times but don't take any nonsense I like how they do fun games and puzzles even tho I miss alot but was lucky enough the win the raffle where lea's kak picked my name out the hat sorry can't remember the name as there are to many lol also its nice to see that 2 of the people I sold my babys 2 have enjoyed this site as much as me and have replied on this post well better leave it there lol ps big thank u to the admin and the members and the admin can hijack my posts any time lol

Shaftesbury, Dorset
Whilst I'm new to this group I am feeling like I have been here forever , feel like furniture , I am very at home in this group and am loving everything that is here , the files , the people , the photos , the admin , the fun , I've never ever been in a group where I never see arguments or people judging others , this does not happen on this group and wether my kaks win or not if they could speak they would thank you them selves , sending you all love from me and my 4 kaks who also appreciate the hard work you have put in to help me on my way with them wink emoticon

Aveley, Essex
I joined the Kakariki Breeders & Pets UK as I became acquainted with these wonderful species of birds, I find the page very friendly and very informative, lots of dedicated members and a very helpful admin team in time I found myself visiting frequently and really wanted to be involved helping share my knowledge and being on hand to help the page and its members, I often run competitions and try and give something back to what I feel has become a great community. There is nothing I don't like about this page as its remarkably well managed and people do tend to be very in tentative on the well being of there birds.

Nr Caernarfon Wales
After purchasing my first Kakariki I never realised there was so much to be learned about them, thankfully I joined this site and YES I’m the one that has to ask all the 'stupid' questions but, thankfully they were all answered without me feeling too stupid, and, after months of ups and downs, giggles and tears I finally feel I can look after these wonderful birds to the best of my capability, all thanks to this site, Lea Shingler, the admins and the rest of the wonderful members, and for these reasons I felt honoured and really special to be asked to become an admin and able to help in just a small way to enriching and helping new owners of these wonderful birds.

Holyhead, North Wales
I love this page because everyone is friendly and gives great advice. I have one kakariki and is my first one and when she suddenly started laying an egg at 5 months the help, advice and support that I was given was a tremendous help and dissipated my fears of what was happening........ And then there's the fun side with competitions and you get to share pictures and stories with everyone. I think lea, Lesley and all the administrators on the page do a great job and I love being part of this group,

Truro, Cornwall
I love this page because its full of advice....If i ever need help i can always turn too here! Everyone is so nice and helpful especially the ADMIN.....I have learnt from this group:How to sex a kakariki and what they do and need! If i never had the help from you guys,my kakarikis wouldn't of had the life thy have now thankyou so much i love this page

I love this page because it is not just a group of people with a common interest, it is a community where all are welcome and share advise about the feathered joys in our lives, play games and chat. Its the personal touch that knowing people even when you have never met face to face can build a friendship.

Holyhead, North Wales
I love this page because these two are my first Kaks, and I got them from lea, he was so helpful and informative, and this page has been then same. Any issues, there is always someone with friendly informative solutions. It's not like a group, it's like a family conversation.

Poole, Dorset
I knew very little about the bird I fell in love with in my local pet shop, all I knew was I had to take the bird home, once safely settled in the cage I took to trawling the internet for info as we all know pet shops are hopeless. I stumbled across Kakariki breeders and pets UK and asked to join. I was welcomed in instantly and given lots and lots of information as well as being directed to the helpful files, first thing members told me was my male was actually a girl (whoops), 2nd thing they told me was I'd been massively ripped off and helped me find my next bird for a fraction of the price. Over the year I've learnt so much about these crazy critters and everyone has always been ready to offer help and advice no matter how big or small the question. Now they're watching and offering advice as I take my first steps into breeding. I hope the group is around for many many more years
Kettering, Northants
This group is simply amazing ! friendly, EXTREMELY helpful ! not judgemental at all, i know if i ever need advice there will always be not only one, but alot of friendly advice and help given, 5*****

South Yorkshire
I love this page because when I found it I was ready to give up on basil . He was a bad lad and I was a bad owner I was ready to have his wings clipped . But you told me to have patience (and reminded me I hadn't bought a winged hamster ) . You taught me about kakarikis , how to appreciate their mischievousness and enjoy my little friend for what he is . And now because of you he is much tamer , but more than that he is a companion . He roams the house with me , chattering and calling me . And now we have Sybil as well who is twice as naughty lol . As time goes on it isn't really a good idea to go out on my own , but I'm never lonely . And even if I don't comment much I read the site every day and love to see all the days events . So thanks to all for saving basil from my ignorance and for the kindness and company you show me xx
Ayrshire, Scotland
This is not a group it is a community dedicated to the health and well-being of our furry beauties, no question is discredited or tossed in the stupidity pile, everyone cares and realises that everyone has to learn and guides/aids with such support you never feel unwelcome or alone x I love it here x