Disciplining Your Kakariki
Although at times your Kakariki may behave in a way that annoys you or makes you downright mad, it's important to remember these rules when responding to the transgression:
Never hit a Kakariki.
Birds are extremely fragile creatures and even the slightest force can cause severe injury or death. Physically abusing a bird can also lead to irreversible psychological problems, and can promote aggression and viciousness.
Don't hold a grudge
Kakariki are intelligent, but also very sensitive creatures. When you express displeasure with your bird's behaviour, make the lesson short and sweet. Prolonged negative attention can cause undue emotional stress for your bird.
Never compromise your bird's health
"Punishing" a Kakariki by withholding food or neglecting cage cleaning is never a fit way to deal with a behaviour problem such actions are not only cruel, but can cause serious physical and emotional damage for the Kakariki.
Responding to Bad Behaviour
In order for your Kakariki to understand you when you catch him acting up, it's necessary that you remember the correct way to respond. While a normal "human" response to an unpleasant discovery would be too loudly declare your grievance, a Kak can interpret this reaction and body language as excitement -- meaning that he may actually think you are praising the behaviour. Conclusively, dealing with a Kak’s behaviour problem can be just as much about training yourself as it is about training your pet.
In order to respond properly to undesirable behaviour, consistency and patience, you may find that it won't take long for your bird to catch on.
Consistency Is The Key
All Kakariki’s are individuals, and some may catch on quicker than others. Don't get discouraged if your kak’s behaviour doesn't change overnight. As long as you stay consistent with your training methods, your bird will likely understand you sooner rather than later.
Remember that positively reinforcing good behaviour is just as important as pointing out and modifying bad behaviour. If you notice your bird acting exceptionally well, don't miss the chance to lavish praise on your Kakariki. All Birds respond much more readily to training techniques that focus on the positive rather than the negative, so don't forget to incorporate lots of fun and praise into your training methods. Meal worms is always a winner though a bit gooey.
With a little work, patience, and love, your Kakariki should be acting like an "Angel" in no time. Your effort hopefully will be rewarded with a beautiful, intelligent, and well-behaved Kak and who could ask for anything more?